Dear Resilient Parents,
I admire your dedication to your children during the COVID-19 public health crisis and want to support you and your families in any way that I can. If you know of anyone with a need, please do not hesitate emailing me at and I will direct you to any resources I know of. If you have questions specifically about the Coronavirus you can contact the Coronavirus hotline at 1-877-462-291.
In the meantime, I will be providing tips for self-care and supporting families in maintaining healthy relationships and boundaries throughout the COVID-19 public health crisis using Positive Discipline tools and Yoga. Check my Facebook page @GroundedResilience or my Instagram page groundedresilience.
You don’t have to travel to take your kids on a field trip! Follow this link for tips on ways to support your children’s learning from home:
Want to know what you can do to contribute to the resilience of the community?
Follow this link for ways that you can serve your community from home: