Summer is for many people a time of joy. The sun is back out and the urge to get outside is strong. For some, however, summer brings with it the anxiety of unstructured time away from school or the stress of travel or planning activities.
How do you maintain your serenity this summer no matter what your circumstance? …Here are a few options
1. Practice grounding…YES literally. Take every oportunity to get outside and plant your bare feet on the earth. The vitamin D from the suns rays can’t hurt either (as long as you wear sunscreen).
2. Plan at least one thing a week that you can look forward to. This could be a visit with friends, a trip away from home (even if it is just a few blocks away to the library), or even something you want to cook.
3. If you have plans coming up that you are anxious about going wrong, remind yourself what is in your control and what is not. Plan for what you can and for what you can’t control think about how you would get through the worst case scenario. If you have a higher power, see if you can pray or meditate to release what you can’t control.