Try this with me…
Create a list of people that you love
Were you on that list? … If not, you are going to want to pay attention to what comes next.
Did you know that research suggests that people with high self-esteem report greater quality romantic relationships. High self-esteem also has a positive impact on the romantic partner (Erol, R. Y., & Orth, U., 2016).
So… if you are asking yourself how do I show my partner love this Valentine’s Day, consider starting with a love letter to yourself.
Ok, I know it sounds weird but how many things in your life have sounded weird and turned out great!
To write your love letter, use the following prompts:
Dear Me,
I am so grateful for…
I love…
I am most proud of…
I feel most connected to you when…
I want to spend more time with you…
I want to protect you by…
Once you have your love letter, put it into practice!
Schedule a date for yourself just to be in the present moment and repeat these affirmations to yourself in front of a mirror or just look yourself in your eyeballs without being critical.
The more regularly you do this practice the more you will be able to feel confident in your relationship with yourself and others in your life and set healthy boundaries that allow you to give freely to others without resentment and take time for self-care.
Erol, R. Y., & Orth, U. (2016). Self-esteem and the quality of romantic
relationships. European Psychologist, 21, 274-283.